Tierion Network Update — September 29

Wayne Vaughan
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2017


Today marks fourteen days since the Tierion Network went online. We appreciate the support of everyone who has helped test the network infrastructure. There’s no substitute to working on a live network with thousands of real users.

Audit Optimizations

The redesigned backend for auditing Nodes is over twenty times faster. Node audit checks are now parallelized across multiple workers. Auditing 10,000+ registered Nodes takes less than 30 seconds.

Downloading Chainpoint Calendar Data

Downloading calendar data is faster and more reliable. Nodes now download block ranges consisting of one hundred blocks of data. Each block range is about 44 kilobytes. The Chainpoint calendar is currently at block 156,018. Our team has plans to further improve the speed of downloading and verifying each block.

Scale & Security

Changes to the network infrastructure have improved Core’s ability to scale and resist attacks. During the first week, Core received an astronomical five billion requests.

Node Operator Survey

We thank the three hundred community members that have responded to our survey. We want to hear your candid feedback, suggestions, and complaints. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to fill out our survey.

What’s Next?

On Monday we’re releasing a version 1.1.8 update to the Chainpoint Node software. This update will have several improvements:

  • Cleaner logs
  • Restoring a backed up authentication secret is easier
  • Further improvements to downloading Chainpoint calendar data
  • Security improvements and bug fixes

Rewards and node registration will remain off this week. Node operators should upgrade their software to the latest version. Here’s a link to instructions.

We anticipate re-enabling rewards for a limited number of nodes in the second week of October. We plan on scaling the number of nodes throughout the launch phase, which we expect to last several weeks. During this period, we’ll be making updates to the software, network, and node requirements.

In next week’s update, we’ll publish our plan to re-enable rewards and node registration. We’ll also update you on our plans for new software to support the growing Tierion community, and introduce some new team members.

Follow Tierion on Twitter to keep up with news and announcements.



Wayne Vaughan

Founder & CEO of Tierion. I write about bitcoin, blockchain, & startups. http://tierion.com. Follow: @WayneVaughan