Introducing TigerGraph Cloud: The Fastest and Most Complete Database-as-a-Service for Everyone



Today we are proud to introduce TigerGraph Cloud, the simplest, most robust and cost effective way to run scalable graph analytics in the cloud.

As graph continues to cross the chasm, more and more organizations seek to get value from graph as quickly as possible. And as AI and Machine Learning applications become more popular, these organizations are finding performance and scalability are critical to keeping up with market innovators.

TigerGraph already offers superior performance and scalability, with the ability to load 100–200GB data per machine per hour, traverse 100M+ vertices/edges per second per machine at peak, and the ability to scale to hundreds of TB to PB data. Now TigerGraph Cloud enables anyone and everyone to take advantage of scalable graph analytics without cloud vendor lock-in.

TigerGraph Cloud offers data scientists, business analysts and developers with the ideal cloud-based service for applying SQL-like queries for faster and deeper insights into data. Organizations can tap into the power of graph analytics in hours.

Users also benefit from a range of out-of-the-box tools so they can hit the ground running with their own graph implementations. This includes access to our robust graph algorithm library to support PageRank, Community Detection and other queries for massive business advantage.

These algorithms have been long used by organizations like Facebook, Google, Alibaba and LinkedIn to build businesses worth trillions of dollars, and are available to anyone and everyone. With the ability to modify and customize these algorithms to fit your organization’s needs, TigerGraph Cloud makes it easy for users to maximize value from their business-oriented graph use cases as quickly as possible. TigerGraph Cloud delivers:

Simplicity. TigerGraph Cloud forgoes the need to set up, configure or manage servers, schedule backups or monitoring, or look for security vulnerabilities.

Robustness. TigerGraph has been battle-tested in major Cloud Service Providers in production systems for years. Rely on the same framework providing point-in-time recovery, powerful configuration options and stability that has been used for the most demanding TigerGraph workloads over several years.

Tools for success. While power users will be impressed with the speed and capabilities of the base platform, TigerGraph Cloud also offers out-of-the-box starter kits to help deliver graph analytics to everyone — for use cases such as Anti-Fraud, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Customer 360, Enterprise Knowledge Graph and more. Kits include graph schemas, sample data, preloaded queries and a library of customizable graph algorithms — including PageRank, Shortest Path, Community Detection and others. TigerGraph makes it easy for organizations to tailor such algorithms for their own use cases.

Flexibility and elastic pricing. Users pay for exactly the hours they use and are billed on a monthly basis. Spin up a cluster for a few hours for minimal cost, or run larger, mission-critical workloads with predictable pricing. TigerGraph Cloud will be available for production on AWS, with other cloud availability forthcoming.

Compared to TigerGraph Cloud, other graph cloud solutions are up to 116x slower on two hop queries, while TigerGraph Cloud uses up to 9x less storage. This translates into direct savings to our users. Read more in the TigerGraph benchmark report here:

Customers are invited to sign up for our limited TigerGraph Cloud preview at




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