From Outside The Bubble

Hamish Reid
Tight Sainthood
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2016
Photo: Hamish Reid.

From outside The Bubble I keep seeing Inside-The-Bubble articles telling me how MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow just took down Trump for good with some deftly-cutting exposé, or that John Oliver’s latest video absolutely wipes the floor with Trump’s position on torture, or some such guff. Or how Hillary Clinton guts Donald Trump, cuts remains into cubes, tosses what’s left in trash (the latter chosen randomly from my Facebook feed today).

From outside The Bubble I keep wondering how many times you have to be taken down like this before you or your supporters or your potential supporters even notice, let alone care? Internet takedowns, memes, silly photoshopped images, breathless clickbait headlines — none of these make an impression outside The Bubble. Or, more insidiously, they play straight into his narrative about the media (Trump Campaign Stops Reporter From Doing Journalism At Rally — really, who — except the predictably-outraged — cares? Not his supporters, not the sort of passive supporter who’s likely to end up voting for him because of his attitude and strongman style, that’s for sure).

From outside The Bubble I keep reading how Trump’s supposedly pissed off so many people that he’ll never win the presidency. From outside The Bubble I keep reading how Trump means the end of the Republicans (of course, they’ll just fall in line behind him), when in fact it’s more likely to be the end of the Democrats.

From outside The Bubble I keep hearing how Trump’s actions backfire on him, when anyone not inside The Bubble can see that those actions are a large part of what might well get him elected.



Hamish Reid
Tight Sainthood

Just another Anglo-Australian relic living in the Bay Area.