The Electoral Knife Fight

Hamish Reid
Tight Sainthood
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2016

Trump came to the electoral knife fight armed with a gun; his opponents seem to have come to the same fight armed only with sarcasm, a million stupid Facebook memes, a fine sense of outrage and condescension, and an invincible well of cluelessness.

It’s not even a fight any more, just a master media manipulator trolling a bunch of ineffectual eye-rollers who inhabit a bubble where Trump is continuously being “destroyed” or “taken down” on Twitter or Facebook or The Daily Kos or Slate or by pointless stunts or ineffectual art (just to mention some of the obvious things). Once again, guys: many of those things you seem to think make him obviously unfit for office are the same things that will probably get him elected. So pointing them all out with an air of aggrieved outrage as though it’s obvious he shouldn’t be elected just doesn’t work. And besides, you’re just talking to yourselves.

I’ve been predicting since some time last year that Trump will be the next president of the US; sadly, I don’t see any reason to revise that prediction now.



Hamish Reid
Tight Sainthood

Just another Anglo-Australian relic living in the Bay Area.