tiktok marketing tips

7 Powerful TikTok Marketing Tips to Improve your Brand Presence



TikTok has grown exponentially, expanding worldwide.

There is already a consistent number of influencers and businesses on the app with a huge amount of followers and a great engagement rate. And with the right plan, and following the right tips, you can become an influential brand too.

Sometimes, it can be hard to find the right content to post or to establish the right strategy to succeed on the platform.

Here are some powerful TikTok marketing tips that can help your brand gain exposure and reach a wider audience on the app.

  1. Switch to a business profile
    Before planning any marketing strategy, you should switch your profile to a business account.
    Switching account on TikTok is super easy.
    You only need to click on “Manage Account” and then on “Switch to Business Account”.
    Having a business account can bring your business more opportunities, such as the possibility of adding your website URL to your profile, redirecting the traffic directly to your website.
    Furthermore, you can access TikTok analytics tools that provide stats about your audience and the results (views, likes, comments, shares) of your videos.
  2. Showcase your product or service
    TikTok is a great app to advertise your products or services. If you do it the right way, without exaggerating, you won’t annoy the users and they’ll interact with your content.
    You can also offer a discount code exclusively for the TikTok users; this way, you will increase the interactions and the followers.
  3. Partner with influencers for a wider reach
    If you want to reach a wider audience in a faster way, you have the option to partner with influencers.
    People are more likely to buy products and services based on what they see from the influencers they follow and interact with.
    Be careful when you choose an influencer; his posts need to be in line with the style and the tone of voice of your brand.
  4. Come up with an interactive branded hashtag
    If you want to instantly increase your engagement rate, creating a branded hashtag can help you.
    Branded hashtags work as free advertising. In fact, every time someone posts a video using the hashtag, they’re exposing your company to their followers.
    Plus, people that click on the hashtag will find more easily all the content related to your brand.
  5. Post at peak times
    If you want to get more exposure, you should post your video during peak days and hours when your followers are online.
    You can find this information in your TikTok analytics.
  6. Track the right metrics
    You can’t improve your TikTok marketing strategy if you don’t know how your videos are performing.
    For this reason, you should constantly track the metrics related to your videos.
    One of the most important analytics metrics is the watch time; it indicates how long people watched your video on average. Clearly, the higher the watch time is, the higher the user interactions and interest are.
    You should focus on what type of content got more interactions, and try to don’t repurpose those video that didn’t bring a lot of results in terms of views, likes, comments and shares.
  7. Do not over post
    It’s okay to be a TikTok active user but without over posting. If you post too much content, you could annoy your followers, and this could bring them to unfollow you.

Originally posted at Tikdragons




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