7 Top TikTok Content Categories in 2020

2 min readAug 12, 2020


TikTok is the app number one when it comes to being creative. The content creation is limitless, and you can face whatever type of topic you like and you’ve knowledge in.

You don’t have necessarily to be an expert in something, you can also post only entertainment videos and you’ll have the same chances to become popular and grow your profile in terms of followers, likes, comments and shares.

Remember always to be original and try to create unique content, if you want to be appreciated more by the TikTok community.

So, let’s see what are the best content categories you can decide to create videos about.

  • Performance
    The first of the list is the performance videos.
    You can record yourself while dancing, singing or playing an instrument.
  • Entertainment
    TikTok was first launched as an entertainment app. So, entertainment videos are still the most appreciated by TikTok users.
    Funny videos, challenges, sketches, duets are all ideas that work very well on the platform.
  • Sports & Outdoors
    Sports videos are appreciated in every platform. You can post a video of your daily workout, you can give tips about the fitness or launch a sporting challenge.
  • Learning
    TikTok invested a lot in promoting educational content on its platform. For this reason, the TikTok system appreciates and gives more value to this type of content.
    With teaching the options are endless. You can choose a topic of your preference and give helpful tips about it.
    Also, you can post how-to and tutorials videos showing all the necessary steps to get to a specific result.
  • Travel & Leisure
    While before travel videos were suitable only for Instagram, now they’re spreading also on TikTok.
    People started to post videos about places that they were visiting placing a trending song in the background.
    The success of travel videos along the TikTok community brought to an increase through the people willing to post about this category.
  • Beauty & Style
    Beauty and style are part of another top content category on TikTok.
    This category embeds a lot of topics from make-up to outfits.
    So, you can decide to create make-up tutorials or show your clothes, shoes or jewellery.
    Especially if you own a business that offers accessories or clothes, on TikTok you have the chance to show them to millions of people and grow your brand awareness.
  • Food
    Food videos on TikTok increased fast in the last few months. The videos showing food are different and they can be about a cooking tutorial, recipes or simply food display.

Rising TikTok content categories in 2020

Here’s a list of rising content categories on TikTok:

  1. Motivation Advice
  2. Interview
  3. Aesthetic
  4. Baby
  5. Slime ASMR




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