tips for businesses on tiktok

The Top 8 TikTok Tips your Business Needs to Act on



If you’ve been disregarding TikTok, now it’s time to change the mindset and look at it differently.

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world, and it has not any intention to stop growing.

The chances to reach a wider audience and make your business famous are pretty high.

However, the ever-changing TikTok algorithm is proving to be a challenge for businesses looking to maximize their engagement rate.

That’s why the tips we’re going to show below are going to help you to achieve the feat.

  1. Find, follow and interact with your potential customers
    In order to find your potential customers on TikTok, you simply need to visit the accounts who are following profiles or businesses similar to yours.
    Once you find your target audience on TikTok, you should interact with it. So, like and answer to their comments, follow and involve them.
  2. Create content that appeals to your target audience
    You know who your potential customers are, but do you know what type of content they like?
    If not, you should do some researches. Take a look at your competitor’s profiles, and check what content got more views, likes, comments and shares.
    Of course, you don’t have to copy those content, but only take inspiration from them.
  3. Fill out your bio strategically
    Businesses often obsess over their videos so much that they forget about one of the most important pieces of a TikTok business profile.
    Yes, that’s the bio.
    A bio describes in a few words what’s your business is about and it is helpful to bring people to take a specific action.
    Here’s a list of what you could include in your TikTok bio:
    -a branded hashtag to encourage tagging
    -a slogan that represents your brand and your business tone of voice.
    Also, don’t forget to place your website URL and your business email.
  4. Offer discounts
    If your business is an e-commerce store, you can reach a new audience and keep your followers around by offering exclusive discounts on TikTok.
  5. Make sure your feed is cohesive
    In order to build a strong brand on TikTok, you need a cohesive feed.
    Ideally, your videos should stick to a similar colour scheme or they should have the same colour and style cover or texts.
    It’s important also to share the same kind of content consistently.
  6. Include a call-to-action in your caption
    Captions serve as an opportunity to encourage engagement.
    Here’s a list of how you can drive users and followers to take actions via captions:
    – ask a question
    – point people to your website
    – publish a “tag-a-friend” video.
  7. Promote your presence beyond TikTok
    There are a lot of people there not on TikTok yet or they don’t know you’re on it. This is the reason why you should regularly make reference to your TikTok presence on your social media platforms.
  8. Make your presence more human
    Anything you can do to show the human side of your business through your TikTok content is certainly a plus.
    This is the reason why storytelling is so important and why more and more businesses are giving relevance and focusing on it.
    Video in which you show your staff or you share a personal experience will be appreciated by the TikTok community.

Originally posted at Tikdragons




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