tiktok inspirational ads stories

TikTok Ads: Inspirational Stories and Creative Tips



More and more people and businesses are turning to TikTok for entertainment and connection.

Despite the entertainment aim, businesses are attentively considering another aspect of the app.

That’s the marketing strategy.

It’s not part of the news that TikTok is a powerful marketing tool and businesses can easily engage and reach new audiences by only investing in content creation.

However, TikTok is not in its early stages anymore. That means there is a lot of competition to face and the creation of the videos need a bit more of effort to stand out.

In that case, the creation of a TikTok Ad can help your business to get a wider exposure within a shorter time.

In order to create a TikTok Ad you don’t need to be an expert and what’s interesting about it is that the ads are not the usual ads. In fact, TikTok wants to make sure that ads are not watched by users as ads. In that sense, TikTok wants to make ads as much natural as possible and make them fit into a user’s For You feed for maximum organic impact.

A lot of big brands have already successfully embraced this practice, creating standing-out campaigns that went viral across the platform. Below are shown some examples. Get inspired with these ideas of how your brand can benefit from TikTok advertising.

TikTok Ads inspirational stories


With the aim to engage with the TikTok community and increase its brand awareness, Pringles created an exciting branded hashtag challenge, called #PlayWithPringles.

It was a simple challenge: users were asked to get creative with a Pringles can and record it.

The campaign went successful, generating more than one billion hashtag video views with a 13% engagement rate.


As Pringles did, also Nike launched its own branded hashtag challenge, called #MagicBoots, with the aim to launch a new product.

Nike used a popular football TikTok Creator, Ben, to lead the campaign.

Users had the chance to win their own pair of MagicBoots if their trick impressed Ben the most.

Nike’s idea was very clear: lead users to create eye-catching, inspiring videos using camera trickery to grab attention and best represent the #MagicBoots.

The results of that campaign were incredible, with more than 317 million video views and 160,000 user entries.


For users of Vodafone X, Vodafone provides free access to a dedicated learning platform called Level Up, which is designed to offer online learning courses for young people.

So, in order to spread its message, Vodafone utilised the most engaging TikTok ad format, TopView.

The video poses the question of “bored at home?” in the opening scene and then it encourages users to improve their skills with Vodafone X’ free online courses.

The “get started” CTA button then led users to Vodafone X’s Level Up landing page.

In just one day, The Vodafone X TopView ad generated more than 1.7 million impressions and more than 350,000 clicks.

These were only three of the inspirational and successful ad campaigns brands ran to achieve marketing success.

Creative tips to create your own successful ad

  • Use a relevant and high-quality video
    When choosing a video, make sure that it is relevant to the product or service you’re offering.
  • Avoid too much text in your ad video
    Don’t distract people with too many texts in your ads. Show, don’t tell.
  • Tell a story
    Tell a story that engages your audience: a story that focuses on your brand or the benefits they can enjoy from your product or service.
  • Highlight a challenge
    Launch a challenge to increase your brand awareness or to promote the launch of a product or service,

These were only some of the best practices to create a TikTok Ad. Don’t worry if it’s your first time. What is important is to keep practising. In fact, it is only by testing and learning that you’ll find the best way to create your ads.

Originally posted at Tikdragons




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