From AI to XAI: Understanding the Evolution Towards Transparency

Jonathan Andika Wibowo
Published in
6 min readNov 24, 2023

What is an Explainable AI?

Imagine you’re using a sophisticated AI system that makes decisions impacting your life — maybe it’s approving your loan application or diagnosing a medical condition. But what if this system doesn’t explain how it reached its conclusions? This is where Explainable AI (XAI) comes in.

At its core, Explainable AI refers to AI systems that provide clear, understandable explanations of their operations and decisions. Unlike traditional AI models that often operate as “black boxes” — making decisions without any apparent logic — XAI aims to make the decision-making process of AI transparent and comprehensible.

But why does this matter? In essence, XAI is about trust and accountability. When AI systems explain their reasoning, users can trust their decisions more. It’s like having a conversation with a doctor who explains your diagnosis in detail versus one who simply gives you a prescription without any explanation.

Furthermore, XAI isn’t just a single technique or tool; it’s an approach to AI development that prioritizes transparency. It involves designing AI models that can articulate their internal processes and logic in a way that humans can understand. This might sound simple, but it’s a significant shift from how traditional AI models have been developed.

In the realm of XAI, we often hear terms like ‘interpretability’ and ‘explainability.’ While they might sound similar, there’s a subtle difference:

  • Interpretability refers to the extent to which a human can understand the cause of a decision.
  • Explainability involves providing understandable explanations for how the AI system reached its decisions.

In sum, XAI is the bridge that connects the complex world of AI algorithms with the need for human understanding and trust. It’s about opening up the AI ‘black box’ and making these advanced systems as transparent and accountable as possible.

The Importance of Explainable AI

In a world increasingly driven by AI, why is Explainable AI (XAI) becoming a cornerstone? The answer lies in three key areas: trust, compliance, and decision-making.

1. Building Trust: Imagine using a navigation app that takes you on a seemingly random route. You might follow it once, but if it doesn’t explain why it chose that route, you’ll likely be hesitant the next time. The same principle applies to more critical AI applications in healthcare, finance, or legal systems. XAI builds trust by making AI’s decisions transparent, allowing users to understand and, therefore, trust the logic behind these decisions.

2. Ensuring Compliance: As AI systems become more prevalent, regulatory bodies are emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability. For instance, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes a ‘right to explanation,’ where users can ask for explanations of automated decisions. XAI ensures that AI systems can meet these regulatory requirements, making them not just more ethical but also legally compliant.

3. Enhancing Decision-Making: XAI isn’t just about understanding AI; it’s also about improving it. By understanding how AI models make their decisions, developers and data scientists can identify biases, errors, or inefficiencies in these models. This leads to more accurate and fair AI systems, ultimately enhancing the quality of decisions made by these systems.

In sectors ranging from healthcare, where AI might predict patient outcomes, to finance, where it might assess creditworthiness, the implications of XAI are profound. It’s not just about making machines smarter; it’s about making their intelligence more aligned with human values and understanding.

In conclusion, the importance of Explainable AI cannot be overstated. As we integrate AI more deeply into our lives, XAI stands as a beacon of transparency, ensuring that these advanced technologies work for us, not against us, and do so in a way that we can understand and trust.

Methods of Explainable AI

Explainable AI Taxonomy

Explainable AI (XAI) employs diverse methods to bring clarity and understanding to the often opaque processes of AI models. These methods fall into two primary categories: intrinsic and post-hoc, each offering unique insights into AI’s decision-making.

1. Intrinsic Methods:

  • Intrinsic methods are inherently interpretable due to their simplicity. In these models, the decision-making is directly observable. For example, in linear regression, the influence of each feature is quantified through coefficients, clearly showing their impact on outcomes. Decision Trees are another example, where features are sorted based on their importance in influencing decisions. These models are transparent by design, allowing for immediate and straightforward interpretation.

2. Post-Hoc Methods:

  • Post-hoc methods come into play after a model is trained, especially useful for complex models like neural networks. These methods dissect the model’s decisions to make them understandable. Post-hoc methods can be further divided based on the type of inference:
  • Local Inference: This approach focuses on specific outputs of the model, explaining individual decisions. For instance, in image classification, local inference can identify the features in an image that led to a specific label, like ‘panda’.
  • Global Inference: In contrast, global inference looks at the model as a whole. It provides an overarching view of how different features collectively contribute to outcomes, offering a comprehensive understanding of the model’s logic.

A key aspect of these inferences is their balance between precision and recall. Local interpretations, while precise for individual outcomes, may not provide a broad view of the model’s behavior. Global interpretations offer a holistic understanding but might lack detailed precision due to their aggregated nature.

3. Model-Specific vs. Model-Agnostic Algorithms:

  • Model-Agnostic Algorithms: These are versatile and can be applied to any model, making them highly flexible for use across various AI architectures.
  • Model-Specific Algorithms: Tailored to specific model types, these algorithms provide insights optimized for particular structures. Examples include integrated gradients, smoothgrad, XRAI, and gradcam, each offering specialized understanding for the corresponding model.

Understanding these methods is crucial for grasping how XAI transforms complex AI decisions into comprehensible insights. Whether through the inherent transparency of intrinsic methods or the detailed analysis of post-hoc methods, XAI bridges the gap between AI’s intricate computations and our need for clarity and trust in AI systems.


In conclusion, the landscape of Explainable AI (XAI) represents a pivotal advancement in the field of artificial intelligence. By incorporating methods that range from intrinsic to post-hoc, XAI addresses the critical need for transparency and understanding in AI-driven decisions. This is more than a technical achievement; it’s a step towards a future where AI and human collaboration is based on trust, ethical responsibility, and mutual understanding.

The significance of XAI extends beyond just making AI more user-friendly; it is about ensuring that AI-driven solutions are aligned with human values, ethics, and legal standards. By demystifying the complex inner workings of AI models, XAI not only builds confidence among users but also fosters an environment where AI can be more effectively scrutinized, improved, and responsibly utilized.

As we continue to integrate AI into various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and finance to daily decision-making, the principles of XAI will become increasingly important. They will guide us in creating AI systems that are not only intelligent and efficient but also transparent, accountable, and, most importantly, trustworthy. In this way, XAI doesn’t just illuminate the paths AI takes; it ensures these paths lead towards outcomes that are beneficial, fair, and comprehensible for everyone involved.

Explainable AI (XAI) is a transformative approach in artificial intelligence, emphasizing transparency and understanding in AI decisions. It bridges the gap between complex AI algorithms and human comprehension, ensuring trust, ethical accountability, and regulatory compliance. XAI’s intrinsic and post-hoc methods illuminate the reasoning behind AI models, fostering a future where AI is not only more transparent but also aligned with human values and ethics. This advancement is crucial as AI becomes increasingly integral in various sectors, enhancing the collaboration between AI systems and their human users.

