Hey Users, We ❤ You 3000

New Design on tiket.com’s Profile

William Stefan Hartono
4 min readJul 25, 2019


Hi guys, this time I’ll shed some light to our new design that has been released to public last May. However, I bet most of you guys haven’t seen it yet. This is because currently it’s only accessible through web and mobile browser only :(

But worry not!! We are working really hard for the app to catch up. And of course, it’ll also come up with new features. I know you are excited, but for now, let’s settle with the mobile design first, shall we? Chop chop!!

P.S. on this release we focused more on polishing the UI and restructuring the information architecture.

P.P.S. there will be a lot of screenshots. I mean, a lott. So, from here on now, I’ll be posting screenshots and explaining them one at a time.


Profile before and after

Yup, can you look at that? That my friend, is an overhaul. From the usual list menu, we adjust it with our newest design system.

Members always get more, and here’s our answer to that. We combine our loyalty program, TIX Point, with missions. Completing the missions will give the users TIX Point that can be exchanged as discounts for flights and hotel tickets.

Next, some of you might have noticed the “Confirm” button next to the Email field. Yup, this is a bit of our new feature. Now we will have 2 kind of users, confirmed users and not confirmed users.

Apparently, there have been cases where users’ accounts were stolen. So now, once you have confirmed one of your credentials, stealing accounts won’t be that easier. It’s zipped 🔐.

Smart Profile

Smart Profile before and after

Smart Profile, better known as Traveler Profile also got a revamp. This is a feature where users could saved their travelling details beforehand so on booking, filling the details is no longer a hassle. You could just select which traveler will use the ticket and voila, the booking form is filled.

You forgot to save a profile beefore? No worries, we also save passenger’s details into a traveler. That’s right, typing is only for first time traveler only.

New to this version is the search and sort features. Useful if you want to edit your details ;)

Smart Pay

Smart Pay before and after

Smart Pay is the feature where you could save all your cards. You can save a credit card when you use it as your payment method, or a debit card if you have an account at BC*A. But, payment works 2-way. That’s right.

Sometimes, we have to pay users back in case there are troubles with the airlines, hotels, etc. Or in case, users demand a refund. In that case, users could save their bank account so to ease us in transferring back the money we owe.

Refund List and Change Password

Refund List and Change Password before and after

As you can see, not much changes in here aside from changing the old design to follow the new design guideline. The name itself is self explanatory :p You can see all your refunded items in Refund List, and change your password via, well, Change Password.


Not least but last, Settings. Now Settings are tidier with groupings.

However, there’s more than what meets the eye. We take security problems seriously. As stated before, there have been cases where users’ accounts were stolen. Confirming your account make things easier for us. Here’s why.

A confirmed account means a confirmed user. It’s different from unconfirmed account where it might means it’s just some simple bot behind the account.

A confirmed account allows us to contact the user with no worriees about security breaches or other important site issues, site announcements. And most importantly, a verified account prevents abuse. There are a lot of cases where users receive spam or worse, when their money is used for things they didn’t acknowledge. A confirmed account might require a verification for two, but the security definitely worths the extra step.

Well I guess that’s it. Stay tuned for next feature :)

P.S. remember that we ❤ you 3000






P.P.S. special thanks to Adit Septian (UXD), Eveline (UI), Rakhmat (PM), and all the tech teams for making this happen!!
P.P.P.S. thanks to my lovely UXR team for the draft review



William Stefan Hartono

Just a normal guy with abnormal bad luck || A UX enthusiast :)