What I learned as a UX Researcher Intern at tiket.com

Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2020
Birthday celebration at tiket.com

In this article, I want to share my internship journey and what I learned during that time at tiket.com.

During the past four months I have thoroughly enjoyed working as an intern at tiket.com. Although the work has been very challenging at times, I have appreciated the opportunity to learn a lot about working for a successful startup company like tiket.com.

Quick Intro

I never would have thought that I’d be interning at tiket.com and working alongside the best people in the industry. So, who am I? My name is Wiryana and I am a final year undergraduate student studying Information Systems.

My Journey

I applied for the job of a UX Researcher in October 2019 and two months later I received an email from tiket.com, inviting me to complete a test with the challenge of finishing within seven days.

Long story short, I was accepted and offered an internship from tiket.com in January 2020.

What did I do during my internship?

As a UX Researcher you are not only strategizing, planning, or conducting the study until reporting the findings to stakeholders, but also doing much more than that. As a UX Researcher you have to realize that we are the voice of our users.

While I was at tiket.com I was placed in the Tiket To Do (TTD) team. Tiket To Do is actually a new category that contains ten different product choices. In the TTD team I worked with my mentor from conducting usability testing on those products and in-depth interviews, transcripting and analyzing, to reporting the findings to stakeholders.

I was lucky enough to be placed in Tiket To Do where I learnt many things from collaborating with product designers to learning about various UX Research methods from my mentor.

My First UXR Retro and Potluck

Here are five things I learned during my internship at tiket.com:

Learn, Learn, Learn and Learn

As an intern or as a human being in general, it is ok if you don’t know everything. The main purpose of an internship is to learn, learn, learn and learn again. I felt insecure about my capability in UX Research and actually still feel that way. The point is, it’s ok to feel insecure sometimes, but one thing you must remember is to never underestimate yourself.

🗣You are here for a reason

A list of topics you want to learn during your internship

I was once asked about what things I wanted to learn and my answer was simple. As a UX Researcher Intern or Interns in general, the main goal is to be open to new ideas and gather as much experience as possible. Besides, I wanted to learn a lot about UX Research methods that I had never tried.

Make sure you set your goals and make it happen!

Always take notes

At tiket.com, we have daily checkpoints and bi-weekly meetings, where we have to report what we will do and what we have been doing. So I made sure to make notes of my activities during my internship at tiket.com. I also took notes if someone was presenting their research findings or simply just sharing their knowledge and experience.

Ask questions

On my first day as an intern, I was told to ask everything I wanted before I embarrassed myself 😜

And again as I’ve mentioned before, as an intern you don’t know everything, so it’s ok if you ask a lot of questions.

better to ask a question than to remain ignorant”

Do not forget to have fun

Working in a startup company can be very demanding and challenging, but also, do not forget to have fun. At tiket we had a retrospective and potluck party where each one of us should bring food and eat together, while sharing ‘retro’ experiences and concerns, informally. During my internship, there were more than six birthday celebrations, so yeah, we ate a lot of delicious food. Besides that, we were allowed to play games in our free time as it helped us to release all the stress.

Product Team ✌🏻
UX Growth Team with our lovely Ibu ❤️

Last but not least

My Lovely UXR Team ❤️

A big shout out to the Product team, especially my lovely UXR team for guiding me during my internship there 🙌🏻

Just like the water of a river as it flows to unimaginable and wondrous locations and picks up precious pieces to carry along, I will always remember and treasure the people, the places, the sounds, and the experiences ❤️

I hope we can still keep in touch in the future. See you when I see you 👀🙏🏻

Thank you for reading my article! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Email at wiryanaw@gmail.com or you can find me on LinkedIn and Instagram 🙌🏻

