A.C. Flory
Tikh Tokh
Published in
6 min readApr 21, 2018



book 1 of Innerscape

At a time when the average life expectancy is one hundred and ten, Miira Tahn is dying at just fifty-two, her last hope a virtual paradise called Innerscape. There, Residents live out their lives in beautiful, digital bodies indistinguishable from the real thing.

Or so the brochures say. But once inducted, the Residents can never leave again. Their minds may be free, but their physical remains are completely dependent on the Innerscape AI…and even Eden had a snake. If the AI fails, paradise will fall, taking the Residents with it.

Yet for Miira Tahn, even a tenuous life is better than the painful death Bountiful has in store for her.

‘…sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump…’

‘Miira’ is permafree at all these retailers except Amazon:

Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Angus & Robertson and Indigo

The Godsend

book 2 of Innerscape

Desperate to find a version of reality she can live with, Miira Tahn sets out to explore her new world and quickly discovers that Innerscape is not the only world open to her. The HUBs connect Innerscape to every location in the virtual universe, and some, like the gaming world of The Shogunate, prove to be a lot of fun.

Back in Innerscape, however, a darker game is unfolding. Someone wants the Burned Man silenced, but the assassin sent to find him has a problem: only the AI knows which body is where, and it’s immune to threats. Luckily, humans are easier to manipulate.

Caught in a web of intrigue and deceit, Miira and her friends become helpless pawns in a game where losing means death.

Check ‘The Godsend’ out on:

Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Angus & Robertson and Indigo


book 3 of Innerscape

More alone than ever, Miira clings to the bonds of friendship, but nothing is quite what it seems, not even her own memories.

Driven to search for answers in the real world, she discovers the one truth that can rip apart the tissue of lies surrounding The Burned Man.

But is she strong enough to face the consequences?

And what of the powerful people who would prefer the truth to remain safely buried?

In Nabatea, the past finally collides with the present as Miira risks losing everything to save a good man.

Check ‘Nabatea‘ out on:

Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Angus & Robertson and Indigo

The Vintage Egg

book 1 of Postcards From Tomorrow [6 science fiction short stories]

The first story, The Vintage Egg, is about a ruined sand racer, and one man’s dream of restoring it. The last story, The Egg Run, is about that man’s grandson, Tim. Tim has shared his grandfather’s dream since childhood, and now the dream is about to become reality. But what will he do when the one, great challenge of his life is over?

The Gamer and Brehak are two stories about full immersion online gaming, and the need to retain a sense of self.

The To-Do List is about family, and robots. The Christmas Roast is about family, and synthetic life chickens called SL’ick. In a world where traditional forms of meat are hideously expensive, owning your own SL’ick is a privilege. Eating them can be tricky though, especially when one of your children thinks of them as pets.

‘The Vintage Egg‘ is permafree at all these retailers except Amazon:

Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Angus & Robertson and Indigo


Book 1 of the Suns of Vokhtah

[The cover is currently undergoing a revamp]

Vokhtah is not a gentle planet. Ravaged by twin suns, it tests all living things in the battle for survival, but none more so than the iVokh.
Intelligent, and clever with their hands, the iVokh live in eyries under the protection of their huge, winged cousins, the Vokh. However when the Vokh battle each other, the first casualties are always the small creatures who serve them.
The only place on the whole planet where iVokh can truly be safe is in the Settlement, an eyrie ruled by the Guild of Healers rather than a Vokh. Yet even there, change is coming, and not for the better. Thanks to the healers’ obsession with abominations, even the Settlement may soon become a battle ground.
As one of the few healers not terrified of abominations, the Blue is determined to save the Guild from itself. It leaves the safety of the Settlement with a caravan of Traders, intent on manipulating the Vokh into dealing with the abomination themselves. However life, and iVokh politics, are never simple.
Aided by just one reluctant ally, the Blue struggles to survive in a savage landscape where even the elements are vicious. If it dies without completing its mission, the Settlement could well die with it. Yet what can two, frail iVokh do in a world where the predators are all starving, and iVokh are very much on the menu?
Time is running out, for both the Blue and the Settlement.

Check ‘Vokhtah’ out on:

Amazon Kobo and Indigo

How to Print Your Novel with CreateSpace

A step-by-step guide for absolute beginners

“An absolute beginner is someone who has yet to learn all the little things everyone else takes for granted.”

Unfortunately, it’s always the little things that trip people up. That’s why ‘How to Print Your Novel with CreateSpace’ takes nothing for granted. Examples, screenshots and step-by-step instructions guide absolute beginners through the entire printing process, from start to finish.

The only pre-requisites are a basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, the ability to save and retrieve files, and an internet connection.
With patience and determination, nothing is impossible.

How to Print Your Novel with CreateSpace is available as a paperback or as an ebook. The ebook is available on the following devices and apps:

See ‘How to Print Your Novel with CreateSpace’ on:


How to Print Non-Fiction with CreateSpace

A step-by-step guide for self-publishers

How to Print Non-Fiction with CreateSpace is a task-driven, step-by-step guide to printing your memoir, family history or instruction manual. With over 150 screenshots and examples, you will be shown everything from trim sizes and ISBNs, to covers, distribution channels, and royalty calculations. Written by a teacher and former technical writer, How to Print Non-Fiction with CreateSpace leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted.

How to Print Your Novel with CreateSpace is available as a paperback or as an ebook. The ebook is available on the following devices and apps:

See ‘How to Print Non-Fiction with CreateSpace’ on:




A.C. Flory
Tikh Tokh

Science fiction writer, gamer [mmo's], fan of Two Steps From Hell [and opera], foodie and animal lover.