Can AI design you a logo?

Tom Williams
Tilt Brand Insights
1 min readJul 19, 2017

With advances in AI vast and growing likelihood of job automation through more and more sectors, has the time come to automate design? Or more specifically logo design?

It seems some would think so. Several new services have popped up offering exactly this as a service.

On first impressions the sites are slick and well designed, certainly pitching an alluring prospect. However after multiple attempts at creating logos and putting the ai through its paces, outcomes were reasonably underwhelming. The sites certainly appear to showcase some of the more polished outcomes on the homepage.

These sites have clearly found a market. However the quality of whats being produced as it stands today certainly misses the mark in my eyes. Brands need to connect with people, they require heart. Branding is a mix of maths and magic. Lacking in depth, AI simply can’t contribute on this front just yet.

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