Furthering the IDE

Jonathan Visona
Tilting Windmills
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2016

Well, certainly some good stuff done today including a script to manage .htaccess across the platform; also added a section to launch scripts through the IDE and output the results to an iframe. While I love the web-based control of the system, I’m definitely going to setup the SSH client next time I get a chance just so I can port over some bash and perl files. I also want to mod that last window so I can set up buttons for all of my various test scripts (so I can remember what the heck I’m working on when I come back a week later. One last structural change is to split these iframes up using divs and what not so that I can keep the I frame on the left hand side and have the scripts and testing output stacked on the right. Only so much time in the day!

All in all a productive day. I didn’t get the PHP-SQL functions written, but they’ll fall like dominoes once I take another day to setup the infrastructure for documentation viewing through the IDE. Speed really does count: every keystroke, every mouse click, every search engine and keyboard shortcut. Like the IOC would have us: Citius — Altius — Fortius!

