Let the Games Begin

Jonathan Visona
Tilting Windmills
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2015

Spent the last six hours pounding OOP PHP to generate documents from templates stored in files, embedded in code, and MySQL tables. I’ve gotten a rhythm going for working through the web-based interface I’m using in development, worked out a scheme for file naming, replicating code in the PHP files, and adapted my usual variable naming scheme. The next step is going to be moving my home page code out of an html file and into a database record. Once I’m done with that, my goal will then be to extend the Factory Method to include html elements with storage in tables. For instance, I’ll be able to input lists into a table and then pull those lists out of the table and wrap them in tags for insertion into the body of the template objects that are written as Product classes right now. I think the big step will be building a Products that will represent visual design elements in the user interface. Maybe this weekend, I’ll get to play around with Form Tools. That will probably be the first platform I integrate into my PIM. In this way, I can rapidly develop the interface.

