TILT #72 — Gone to the Movies

Jessamyn West
today in librarian tabs
6 min readApr 28, 2019

Finally finished this book! It was the greatest. John Szabo, and everyone else at LAPL, you do us all proud.

[Susan Orlean’s book The Library book, perched tubside with cat eye glasses on top]

I should return it. Amazingly, no one is waiting for it.

[an email from my library telling me this book is overdue]

I got to give a talk this week about maybe my favorite subject: the weird libraries of Vermont and my goofy quest to try to visit all of them. This is a slide where I explain one of the things that encouraged me to become a librarian. You can read the entire talk here, or just see the slides and notes here.

[a slide from my presentation featuring the cover of the Brautigan book The Abortion with the caption “This novel is about the romantic possibilities of a public library in California”]

I gave another talk at the local senior living facility, more of a “Here are some main points now let’s talk about them” talk, about avoiding online scams. You can have this talk and give it yourself if you’d like to, slides and notes are here.

[slide featuring a pop up telling me to update my Flash with the headline “This happens to everyone”]

Like many librarians, I like being at home with a good book a lot of the time. I had an opportunity this weekend to go to not one, but two librarian movies. I hemmed and hawed a little bit — I rarely go to a movie a month much less two in a weekend. But I had the time free, the weather is improving, and honestly if there was ever a reason to go see two movies, The Public and Change the Subject are reasons one and two.

[nicely packed movie theater with the words Change the Subject on the screen in big red letters, panel discussion happening on the state]

Seriously, go see these two movies. The Public you have probably heard about or seen at a conference, about a subset of Cincinnati’s homeless population deciding to stay in the library overnight instead of going out to the streets during a terrible cold snap. But it’s more complicated than that, and I was surprised and impressed. It’s also great to see it in a theater full of hooting and hollering librarians.

Change The Subject is newer, a documentary about the Dartmouth-student-inspired push to change the Library of Congress subject heading illegal aliens to something less crappy. Again, a great film and if you can see it in a packed theater full of librarians, you should.

A very linky newsletter this time around. Lots of good stuff out there particularly around National Library Week. I hope you enjoyed yours.

[Edmonton Public Library card in a hot purple with the motto “one card to rule them all’]

Activisty things you should know about:

Things I learned:

[a very very cute log cabin building that is the one being discussed]

Two library stories about Texas:

A few how-to-find posts:

Grab bag fun section:

[the interior of a colorful library with what looks to be the butt end of a pirate ship in the middle of it]

Absolutely forgot my “what I’m reading” segment last time. This is basically me.

[a man with a very long beard in a room with high ceilings and there are books everywhere!]

Books are so much the water I am living in, I forget sometimes to talk about them specifically. Here’s the latest.

[the covers of Golden State by Ben E Winters, Arabella of Mars by David D Levine, Exit Strategy by Martha Wells and Two Lives by Reeve Lindbergh]

Today in Librarian Tabs is written irregularly by Jessamyn West who also maintains librarian.net. It’s available in more-accessible format your inbox via TinyLetter. Thanks for reading.

Movie icon by Hanna Elise Haugerød from the Noun Project
Library card image by Sarah on Flickr



Jessamyn West
today in librarian tabs

Rural tech geek. Librarian resistance member. Collector of mosses. Enjoyer of postcards. ✉️ box 345 05060 ✉️ jessamyn.com & librarian.net