TILT #85 — We’re here because we’re here

Jessamyn West
today in librarian tabs
5 min readMay 18, 2020

I consider myself lucky to be part of a library community in times like these. I know it’s challenging, scary, and sometimes outright lousy lately. Being able to try doing the right thing for so many uneasy people in a country as fractured as ours is right now is good work. Not in a “So you should be okay going back to work without enough PPE” way, or a “You should be okay doing the work of staff who were laid off and not replaced as your institution barrels towards a hasty poorly-planned re-opening” way, but just “We’ve helped a lot of people, and that’s a good thing” way.

Vermont is cautiously re-opening. I live in a part of the state that, in some ways, felt like it didn’t close down. My library continued to (safely) do curbside within the guidelines offered by our state library. There’s been poor mask compliance among my neighbors. I’ve been doing a lot of WFH, enough so that newsletter-writing time became email tech-support time, or watch libraries’ “We miss you” videos and have a good cry time, or “go to a friend’s Zoom graduation” time, or “watch an hour long Demco video on Safety Tips for Reopening Your Library, for work.” There are a lot of ways to deliver useful public health news, and I have to admit this one wasn’t my favorite. Here’s a sample slide.

Slide that repeats “Those viral particles need to enter you via your eyes,nose or mouth” three times

In contrast, I appreciate the work IFLA did showing us what the international re-opening looks like. And in the US one of the agitating things about calling it “re-opening” is that that’s just referring to our buildings. Most libraries I know have continued to provide some sort of service these past few months.

That’s been a real thinky point for me: that the digital divide continues to mean we can’t, in some meaningful ways, be libraries without our buildings; and the same old “People don’t understand what we do exactly” frustrations. This was seen most recently when eye-rolling at this graphic from the BBC’s How exposed is your job? article (with Twitter’s help). 😂

image from paper that ranks librarians exposure to disease as low and closeness to other people as average.

Some tips that have been helping me these past few weeks

little badge that is colorful and says “Make fan art for your favorite book”

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, the National Emergency Library at the Internet Archive is making more books available than ever before, but the National Writer’s Union isn’t super happy about it. IA did make deals with Duke and UNC press to carry their titles, and it’s worth reading about those deals. Individual authors can still opt out, as always. Meanwhile the Public Books Database is trying to find other presses that have made some of their books open access. I am mostly seeing a list, not a database, but there’s already a lot of good stuff on it. One that is going on my “to read” list:

Cover of the book Kugel and Frijoles, Latino Jews in the United States

I wish I knew more of the (UK mostly) people that Bookcase Credibility is dishing on, but this is a good Twitter account for the times when it seems like everyone’s teleconferencing in front of a bookshelf.

tweet at link given

Digital Divide corner is really more of an entire wing now, but here’s just a few things going on or worth seeing.

tweet at link given

When the Harlem River was frozen, Columbia’s crew team would row in specially-constructed water tanks in the sub-basement of Low Library and this continued into the 1990s.

image from old newspaper with crew cut crew rowers in a shallow pool in what looks like a basement

Reading continues. Can not tell you how happy I was to read the new Murderbot novel, and how sad to finish it. Mixed feelings about Barn 8 which seems to be the case for any books about activism that seem to not be written by activists.

Covers of four books: Aloha Rodeo, Network Effect, Barn 8 and Jews in America

Always here to listen if you want to be talking. Stay safe, keep fighting, keep helping, keep rowing.

Today in Librarian Tabs is written irregularly by Jessamyn West who also maintains librarian.net. It’s available in more-accessible format your inbox via TinyLetter. Thanks for reading.



Jessamyn West
today in librarian tabs

Rural tech geek. Librarian resistance member. Collector of mosses. Enjoyer of postcards. ✉️ box 345 05060 ✉️ jessamyn.com & librarian.net