Tim Chambers
The Blog of Tim Chambers
1 min readOct 18, 2015


A great article on the history of the creation of the Apple Watch here.

I especially like this quote on it’s a reason for existence:

Our phones have become invasive. But what if you could engineer a reverse state of being? What if you could make a device that you wouldn’t — couldn’t — use for hours at a time? What if you could create a device that could filter out all the bullshit and instead only serve you truly important information? You could change modern life. And so after three-plus decades of building devices that grab and hold our attention — the longer the better — Apple has decided that the way forward is to fight back.



Tim Chambers
The Blog of Tim Chambers

Technologist, writer, Co-Founder of Dewey Digital. Fascinated by new tech enabling new politics and vice-versa.