Time After Time

Emma Johnson
Time After Time
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

Written By: Emma Johnson

Photo by noor Younis on Unsplash

Welcome to Time After Time, a publication created by three high school English students. Our goal here is to present the ideas of evolution, generations, development, and trends in society as they have changed over the course of time. We will share our individual thoughts on topics such as health (mental and physical), fashion, politics, technology, social/world issues, and the differences between the generations themselves.

Our original idea for the project was to show how much of a rollercoaster life really is. This still stands true, but not in the same sense. We are now far more focused on the feats of society as a whole, rather than the individual progress any one person might have made.

Being a couple of Gen Z kids ourselves, we can provide a view of the world from the people inheriting it. Over the next couple of months, we will each be posting a few times. Please enjoy:)

Meet the Team


Erin is our group liaison. This means that they control our group’s scheduling and pacing so that we meet our deadlines. Erin is also tasked with the difficult job of keeping us on track. Erin is involved in our school’s theatre program, TSA team, and the 21st Century Green Tech Academy. They spend their free time writing and creating art.


Hannah is the copy editor for our project. Hannah’s role is to read over each of the articles and correct any grammatical or formatting errors, as well as deciding the appropriate tone for each piece. Hannah spent most of this class time coloring on herself with colored pencils so we know she stays on task. Despite this, she is a model student and is involved in our school’s debate team and the Green Tech Academy.


Lastly, I am our artistic director. My job is to design the look of each post and approve the format before uploading it. I also find any artwork (photography, charts, drawings, quotes, etc) that may be going into a post. I am an avid member of our school’s theatre department and drama club, as well as the orchestra and choir programs. Performing arts is my life, but outside of that I also participate in horseback riding and the Green Tech 21st Century Program.

Thank you for reading! Check back soon for more posts:)



Emma Johnson
Time After Time

“There are darknesses in life, and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” ~Bram Stoker