Product Roadmap & Alpha Release Schedule [Feb-23]

Dan Biton
Time Breachers
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2023

Time Breacher is launching its V1.0 Alpha Core Gameplay in February. Yes, we are in February. The exact date will be announced on Discord & Twitter ;-). We’re excited to invite everyone in the community to become the first batch of people to play the game and get a chance to walk away with over 2,300 attractive prizes in terms of Time Stone, Artifact packs, and whitelist spots for the public minting of Artifacts [In-game NFT]s. However, we do not stop there. To understand the release schedule, here is what you can expect of us:

The alpha testing will be done in three stages, with new contents, and gameplay mechanisms rolled out during each phase:

  • Phase 1 [mid-February] ➡️ Core Gameplay Release
  • Phase 2: [Mid-April] ➡️ Improved Core Gameplay + Artifact Crafting & Uchronian Summoning (NFT game Meta) + Exploration features limited to a territory
  • Phase 3: [Mid-June] ➡️ Release of Demo including Social & Economic Interaction
  • Phase 4: [September] ➡️ V1. Main Launch

Phase 1 [mid-February] ➡️ Core Gameplay Release

We are very excited to announce a two weeks tournament competition. Everyone can join and try to climb up the ladder. This tournament will be a PVEVP (Player Versus Environment Versus Player) competition.

What can you gamers expect? Gamers will be spawning into a dungeon game filled with different rooms, each with a specific gameplay logic. Your goal is to collect as many Timenium (Proxy currency) as possible within the time limit. Of course, you are not invincible, be cautious about your HP points ;-). To win the game, you must reach the exit portal; otherwise, all collected Timenium will be lost.

Playing the PVE mode makes you compete with all the other players. Your “run” generates a score determining your position within a “Leaderboard” making the PVE, a PVEVP game.

How are your scores calculated in the leaderboard?

  • % Timenium looted — Max score 6000
  • % Time left (capped at 100 sec max) — Max score 667
  • % Standard enemy kills — Max score 2000
  • % Elite enemy kills* — Max score 700
  • % Boss enemy kills* — Max score 1000

Percentages above correspond to your result divided by the total available in-game (e.g. % Timenium looted = your looted timenium / total timenium in breach)

*Elite or Boss enemies might not be available in all time breaches.

You can find below the score calculation details to compute your score. The maximum score reachable is 10,367.

  • Timenium looted ratio — x60
  • Time left in ms (capped at 2 min) — x20
  • Standard enemy kill ratio — x8
  • Elite enemy kill ratio — x10
  • Boss enemy kill ratio—x12

The ratios above correspond to your result divided by the total available in-game (e.g. Timenium looted ratio = your looted timenium / total timenium in breach)

Will you be able to loot, kill and find your way into the Time Breach maze?


We are SUPER excited to invite you all to our Core Gameplay Alpha competition release. A farming program has been created to boost the competitive aspect of our gameplay ;-)

To earn rewards, here are all the missions you need to complete.

1st Mission

Task: Play and climb the Time Breach’s leaderboard


  • Top 1: Legendary Artifact pack
  • Top 2: Epic Artifact Pack
  • Top 3: Epic Artifact Pack
  • 4-10: Epic Artifact pack
  • 11–40: Rare Artifact pack
  • 41–100: Common Artifact pack
  • 101–150: Whitelist

2nd Mission

Task: Complete an in-game survey & give us constructive product feedback (One per gamer).

Rewards: 5 Time Stones

3rd Mission

Task: Participate in a 45-minute user interview. We will limit this mission to a maximum of 50 gamers selected based on their gaming background. To apply, click here to apply through this google form ;-)

Reward: 1 whitelist & 50 Time Stones

4th Mission

Task: Play the game and identify bugs. Submit them through this google form. One bug can not be rewarded twice, be the first one to report it and earn the reward.


  • Critical bug: 1 Whitelist & 500 Time Stones (Bug causing freezes, blocks, or exits the game completely)
  • Major Bug: 250 Time Stones (Restricts any movement from the player, without crashing or closing the game)
  • Minor Bug: 100 Time Stones (The game is still playable, but an enemy is clipped, and an attack causes an fps drop)
  • Low: 25 Time Stones(Trivial bugs not causing a restriction in the game progress)

5th Mission

Task: Let us know what cool features you could think of after playing the Alpha. How to? Here is the Google form link. If a feature is submitted twice, we keep the first submission.

Rewards: All features will go through a vote between the core team and the community. Each voted feature shall be rewarded 25 Time Stones.

Each NFT and Time Stone token will be minted during the official launch of the game, which is scheduled to happen at the beginning of September 2023. An article will announce all the winners as soon as the competition ends.

Now, it is your time to step it up! If you want more information, you can join our Discord or follow us on Twitter.

