The Perfect Workspace Is All In Your Head

Here’s what is really necessary for making good use of your time

John Zeratsky
Make Time


I’ve been sitting in front of computers since I was about 10 years old. In that time I’ve designed a thousand newspaper pages, built hundreds of software prototypes, hacked together who-knows-how-much code, written probably a million words of prose (including two books), dabbled in video editing and audio production, and created a surprising number of spreadsheets 🤔

I’m feeling reflective, so I’ve been thinking back on all those years and all that work. Here’s one thing that stands out: I wasted a lot of time and attention obsessing about my workspace.

For example, at Google, I worked at a desk that was configured for my body by an ergonomic consultant, with display risers and a keyboard tray and a thousand-dollar chair that was set to precisely the right height.

Meanwhile, at home I had an Aeron chair and a desk with a custom keyboard tray that my dad helped me build and install when I was in college. My wife and I have always lived in small apartments, but for years I foolishly insisted on dedicating part of our home to my workstation. (Sorry honey.)

At some point, I started working at the kitchen counter. I sat on a stool and hunched over my laptop. I don’t…



John Zeratsky
Make Time

Supporting startups with capital and sprints. Co-founder and general partner at Character. Author of Sprint and Make Time. Former partner at GV.