Happy Women’s Day

Adetunji Paul
Time Is Such A Fleeting Thing.
1 min readMar 8, 2016

Women rule the world, I can think of no other reason we have 1000 different brands of soap. Rather than accept the bleakness of life, women do a lot, they face a lot, they deal with our largely male-dominated infrastructure, and swing like champs.

While men end their lives like all is lost, women hold out, because no one has hope like they do. Hope is light. Women are our light, without which many men would stumble and fall in the darkness. We strive, we uplift, we steal, we fight, so that for those that have, we can go home to the one who gives us strength. Here’s to the gentle warriors, thank you for being in our lives. In my life.

Sweet Cat Happy Women’s Day!

