
beth buzz
Time Kap — sule
Jan 27, 2022

there’s nothing left to ruin/we finally got free
— sylvan esso

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

nothing matters!
we prophesied it before we were born,

nihilistic tendencies thick
on our baby breath like
whiskey in a dive bar.

the earth convulses,
attempts abortion
for the thousandth time —
so why resist?

let’s dream in poems and write them on the walls in permanent marker.

throw down our shovels and run through the streets with arms flung wide.

punch the clock until it shatters into a million moments of instant gratification.

start books we’ll never finish.

leave the dishes in the sink.

indentured servitude to ancient anxieties repaid us only in exposure,
dressed us in silk and left us starving.

if doom is our destiny, let’s waste these last moments in ecstatic rebellion

hoarding joy,
worshipping joy,
being joy.



beth buzz
Time Kap — sule

just a worker bee stashing honey among the stone. poems are what happen when life squeezes too hard. +follow me to join the hive.