Rat Race


A senryū

La Ligue des Rats, Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_Ligue_des_Rats.jpg
La Ligue des Rats, Wikimedia Commons

Pull rat out of race?
Pointless! ’Tis paramount you —
Pull rat out of rat.

— Aparna

We often complain about the rat race, forgetting that the race exists for us, only because we have chosen to be a rat. Escaping to a different environment, will not solve the problem, because we can’t run away from ourselves. Wherever we go, we will manage to create a new race, no matter how petty the playground. If we truly wish to opt out of the rat race, we need to bid adieu to the rat within.

If we truly wish to opt out of the rat race, we need to bid adieu to the rat within.

My Words RATIONED series is my attempt to inculcate self-discipline and restraint; espousing the philosophy of ‘less is more’ in words, consumption, relationships, residue.

#DreamscapesByAparna #WordsRationed #Haiku #Senryū #Senryu #RatRace #LivingLifeByDesign #SelfAwareness #SelfImprovement #PersonalLeadership #PersonalDevelopment #LifeLessons #LifePoetry #ZenPoetry #ZenLiving #ZenLife #LivingByDesign #Mindfulness #MindfulLiving

©Aparna Singh 2022. All Rights Reserved.



DreamscapesByAparna—Photography Poetry Life
Time Kap — sule

Poet, photographer, researcher, designer, dreamer—using poetry, photography and design as aids to cultivate mindfulness, so we may connect with our inner voice.