Going Back in Time in the Mind

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Time Life Clocks
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2015

Drifting off into a dream, I dreamed what was reality and what was old and use to be. I began to dream that I was a little girl, and the house and old furniture was arranged the old way. There was no one in the house but my mother and I. I strongly felt my mothers love for me, and I felt love for her. Because I understood love more as an adult, I suppose the love I felt as a little girl in my dream was stronger than it was when I was a little girl in reality.

After I had the dream, I told my mother, and she seemed to understand my dream. Little did I know that she would be leaving me for heaven. She always felt that she would, and I always feared that she would. I do not know what made me have the dream that I dreamed. It was like going back in time in the mind.

