Marriage, Life, and Death

Time Life Clocks

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Time Life Clocks


Illustration by: Gail Nobles

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A husband and a wife may have a bad marriage. The people around them may think that their marriage is perfect. The people around that marriage may envy that marriage, but time is running out. When the people around that marriage begin to see that the marriage was not as perfect as they thought, they cannot believe it. They begin to realize that they spend all of their lives envying somebody else’s marriage instead of spending time together making their marriage right. During the time that they envied, they were sleeping with somebody else’s husband or wife. Their names get wrapped up in gossip, and they get a bad reputation for breaking up somebody else’s marriage. They thought that grass was greener on the other side, but when they got on the other side, they saw that it was the same old green grass or maybe worse.

Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

A husband and a wife may spend years feuding. They may break up and go on their separate ways. Both the husband and the wife may have gotten married at a very early age. They both began to realize that they should have waited and were too young.

As a husband and a wife began to mature, the woman or the man may have been wise all the time, and one of them may have been foolish waking up a little late.

The sad thing is sometimes the husband or the wife may become ill. They may not meet again until one of them is pretty near death. The one that is left behind may hurt and regret that he or she didn’t stay together. He or she may wish that they could turn back the hands of time. They may wish that they could stop the bad times and get a second chance together in life. Time keeps on moving and does not stop for anyone. However, we can change what we do in the nick of time in order for things to be better. We can make changes before it’s too late.

Illustration by: Gail Nobles

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