Deal with Distractions and Be More Productive

Mike Gardner
Time Management Hints, Tips & Techniques
3 min readMay 29, 2016
Deal with Distractions and Be More Productive

If we lived in a perfect world we would be so focused on our work that we would allow nothing to distract us. But as you know we live in the real world where everything is not perfect and it doesn’t always work in the way we would like it to! In fact, it rarely works that way. So what can we do to deal with distractions that inevitable impact our productivity on an almost hourly basis?

What can we do to deal with distractions that impact our productivity on an almost hourly basis?

Types of Distractions

There are many different things that can cause you to feel distracted. The biggest source of distractions in this day and age are the constant phone calls and emails that always seem to need urgent replies. You may also have distractions such as coworkers who regularly ask if you have a minute because they want to have conversations that can be either work-related or social.

Then there’s an entire online world of information including the dreaded social media that you can turn to. Even if you only plan to check a source for a moment, you can waste hours without even realizing it.

Even if you only plan to check social media for a moment, you can waste hours without even realizing it

And what about if you work from home, you may feel the pull of household duties and chores pulling you away from work. Often when we work from home, our relatives and friends think that we’re not busy and that we must be lonely and find ways to interrupt work time.

Deal with Distractions

Even if you’re surrounded with distractions, you can set up a work environment to combat them and be productive. In order to deal with distractions, it’s important to establish priorities for your day. With most business it’s impossible to avoid phone calls and emails that need to be returned.

But what you can do is set aside a specific time of day that you’ll handle those replies. For example, you may decide that the first thing you’ll do each morning is respond to any new emails or phone calls and that you’ll do so twice more at different times throughout the day.

In the meantime, you’ll keep distractions down by sending calls to voicemail and shutting down your email window. While this doesn’t work for every office environment, it can work for many.

Keep distractions down by sending phone calls to voicemail and closing down your email window

If you really enjoy social media or social time with coworkers, you can schedule it instead of letting it become a distraction. For example, you can plan your lunch break to be a time to relax and do things that take your mind off of work.

You can even schedule two or three 10 minute breaks throughout the day for social time. Knowing that time is coming can help you stay motivated to be on task the rest of the time. If you work from home, it’s necessary to set boundaries with the people in your life so that your work takes priority.

You don’t have to answer every phone call. And if you feel household chores calling your name on a daily basis, schedule time to work on those so that you don’t have to spend time thinking about them.

If you work from home, set boundaries with the people in your life so that your work takes priority.

Finally, if you’re distracted by ideas that hit you throughout the day it’s a good idea to write them down. Keep a notepad nearby so that you can write them down and give yourself permission to come back to them later.

Question: What strategies do you have to deal with distractions? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Till Next time

Mike Gardner — The time Doctor



Mike Gardner
Time Management Hints, Tips & Techniques

#timemanagement - Best Selling Author, Helping you to balance business and family commitments in a way that enables you to feel fulfilled and guilt-free.