How to Identify When Clutter Has Become a Problem?

Mike Gardner
Time Management Hints, Tips & Techniques
3 min readJan 5, 2017
How to Identify When Clutter Has Become a Problem

Have you ever heard of clutter creep? This is when things, disorganisation and stuff seemingly appear out of nowhere. In reality, your clean, pristine work space did not become cluttered and disorganised overnight. It happened slowly but surely and crept into your life, one mishandled object at a time.

Be honest, your clean, pristine work space did not become cluttered and disorganised overnight

Clutter is not always a big deal.

If your wallet or purse, keychain, loose change and beverage from your drive-through window lunch break are fouling up your work area, that may not be too big of a problem. But there is a point when clutter becomes a serious problem, creating stress, wrecking your productivity and negatively affecting other areas of your life.

When does clutter become a problem?

When clutter becomes a real issue is based on the individual. Some require an immaculate living and work area to function properly. Others are at their best when they can see a few possessions that lend them a sense of comfort in their immediate area. Most of the time however, it becomes a problem you must take seriously

If you notice three or more the following symptoms, you may have a clutter problem

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  • You feel like you are always cleaning and organizing.
  • You feel frazzled, frustrated and mentally sapped at the end of the day.
  • You have to carve out a path through the rooms in your house because of all your clutter.
  • You are embarrassed to invite anyone over to your home.
  • You have so much clutter, you don’t know where to begin decluttering.
  • You are late paying bills and meeting other financial obligations because you have a problem organizing your paperwork.
  • You spend more time daily basis looking for things than it takes to actually organize or declutter your environment.
  • You are always looking for more time in your day.
  • You consistently say “I’ll do it tomorrow” regarding decluttering your life.
  • You feel like every aspect of your life is disorganized, and you feel powerless to do anything about it.

In the United Kingdom somewhere between 20% and 30% of households have a clutter problem.

Clutter can be crippling, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, studies show that in the United Kingdom somewhere between 20% and 30% of households admit to having a clutter problem. This means that number is probably a lot higher, since no one likes to admit to being disorganized and messy. In America, 25% to 35% of polled homeowners report having a problem with clutter, so this is a serious problem found across the globe.

Now you know how much of a health risk clutter is. You also understand that you may have a problem with extra “stuff” that is cluttering up your life. The next step? You need to put a decluttering system into place.

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Till Next Time

Mike Gardner is The Time Doctor



Mike Gardner
Time Management Hints, Tips & Techniques

#timemanagement - Best Selling Author, Helping you to balance business and family commitments in a way that enables you to feel fulfilled and guilt-free.