
Keying Lin
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

For my last blog, I want to show you how I have improved my time managing skill and my working process.

Record tasks
The first thing I do is to keep track of the list of work I have to do every day. Including small things as pick up my printed documents or return a borrowed equipment. I figure when I write it out I will pay a little more attention to it and will more likely to finish it. I usually prefer to write everything out, but I don’t carry pen and paper with me every day. So I will use Reminder instead.

Separate the work
After I got my work list, I will divide the task into different days base on Allen’s chart. Once all the tasks are separated into different days, I’m clear with the work I have on the specific. In addition, I also use my planner as a tracker, to trace back the activities I do every day.

Do it now
Once I’m clear with the work I have for that day, I will try my best to do it immediately. I will use the app, forest, to help me stay away from my phone. I’m always distracted by my phone and this app did prevent me from going back to my phone. Once I turn my phone on, the app will show the picture of the timer and a motivative sentence. That reminds me I still have work to complete.

Take a break
I can’t stay focus for very long time so the break will be very important to me. I like to take a 10-minutes break after every hour. It helped me to relax my mind and also my eyes. If I stay on the computer too long, my eyes will be dry and during the break, I will move my eyes around to relax.

Review and preview
When I finish my work, I will go back to double check I finished everything. Then I will check what I have to do the next day to keep myself updated.

Those processes helped me to manage my time, it may not apply to everyone but it is a good start. I will keep practice and make adjustments accordingly.

