Quan Ye
Time Management Skill
2 min readMar 5, 2018


Work Smarter and Harder

In this last post, I want to conclude my practice and come up with some tips that will help to manage time and become efficient at work. Managing time shouldn’t be about squeezing as many tasks into a day as possible. It’s about simplifying how to work, doing things faster, and relieving stress.

Complete most important tasks first

Each day, I try to identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. If I have a quiz or exam in the next day, I will try to review them first and do my homework later in the day. Once I am done, the day has already been a success. I can move on to other things, or let them wait until tomorrow. I’ve finished the essential.

Turn main tasks into habits

In the last few weeks, I have been recording my daily schedule and keep it in my phone. When I finished my tasks in the day, I would look at the calendar and see what should I do in the next day. I should not break this routine and make it become natural and enjoyable to make my plan for the next day.

Do not stuck into a single task

Sometimes, it is possible that you do not have any ideas of what to write and how to finish a work. Just simply move to another task that you have to do first. I set a time constrain for myself for each work so that it push me to focus and be more efficient, even if I end up having to go back and add a bit more later.

Utilize weekends but not for too much fun

People usually get too relax once it’s weekend. People should plan ahead for few hours of works on weekends about some tasks that they need to finish. Do not make weekend times fly by and go to party for fun. We can be a little relax and sit at home doing some works for fun.


I have learned a lot about this soft skills by doing researches and practicing. It is also a new experience for me for write them down as blogs. It is really helpful for me to learn.

