Decluttering My College Life

One thing that I have learned while researching the soft skill of time management is to better organize my work space. The first step is to declutter my desk at home. I shred papers that are no longer needed and keep file cabinets clear of anything except the necessities. To do this I created a tray system. To help manage all the individual papers that have accumulated from school I have an in-tray and out-tray system, which is then cleared at the end of the day. This has helped me stay organized while and feel less overwhelmed while completing my school work at home.

I have also unsubscribed to many of the newsletters and websites that have repeatedly sent spam to my email accounts. Instead of having over ten thousand unread emails in my personal inbox that are mostly junk, I now only receive emails that are relevant to me in some way. Being able to quickly log onto my email account and read what’s important without having to sift through thousands of non-applicable emails and spam helps me save time. I am much less stressed now with a decluttered email inbox knowing that whatever lands in my inbox from now on will be related to my studies or directly related to my personal life.

Decluttering my phone and laptop was the third step in decluttering my life. I have created folders on my laptop to organize my school work. I then was able to sync my phone to my laptop using iCloud so that files on my laptop can be accessed using my phone. Being able to access files on my phone is beneficial when I don’t have my computer with me. This is a reassuring feeling just in case if I do forget my laptop while at school I can still be able to remain organized and have access to my saved academic work.

Vaughan, E. (2016, November 02). Can Decluttering Your Workspace Make You a Better Employee? Retrieved October 01, 2017, from

5 Tips to Ensure You are Prioritizing your Priorities. (2017, September 22). Retrieved October 01, 2017, from

