Get Your Priorities Straight!

Prioritizing your schedule throughout your life is shown to increase the efficiency in an individual’s career. If anyone wants to develop good time management skills working in the field of business one must develop a priority list.

Eliminate the tasks that don’t really need to be done each day. Notate every time something else comes up within a day and note when a task is completed in your schedule to stay up to date. This makes it easy for person to always know what needs done next which will lower your stress level. Keep a record of everything you do at work and at home or in your personal life. Staying organized benefits, you in the long run and helps avoid being overloaded with work that you didn’t have time to finish.

Once your priorities written down somewhere continue to update both your priorities list and your schedule/list of things to do. Whatever is of most importance should be completed first on your lists. Staying organized helps you stay focused and on top of things.

Complete the hardest tasks first. Whatever you don’t want to do, do it first, this should eliminate the stress that comes with procrastinating a task you know you are going to need to accomplish anyway so might as well just get it done and over with. No one wants to worry about if they are going to have time later in the week to finish a job or task when you are prone to having other things come up that usually take time out of your schedule. Getting your work done early is the goal you should be focusing on. Successful people don’t procrastinate their work, they complete their tasks the minute something comes into their agendas in anticipation that more work will be landing in their schedules in the near future. This state of mind will keep you ahead of the game so you don’t become overwhelmed with things that you need to get done and can find time for yourself to relax and go over things.

People who think they have time management problems really have priority management problems, which means, at root, they have self-management problems.” (Gilkey, 2017) In response to Charlie Gilkey’s blog post regarding time management, I have to agree that he brings up many valid arguments. I especially like how he stated that many people do not have a time management problem, but rather a priorities problem. This is especially true for me because I always wanted to relax or socialize before getting my work done.

I would always wonder why I would never have enough time in the day to finish my work when in fact my priorities were just completely messed up. Even though I have been doing better at managing my time throughout each day using many of the methods I have mentioned before, I feel better knowing that I have addressed one of my biggest faults. I am now on the right track to improving the soft skill i had originally set out for.

(2017, August 14). Why You Really Don’t Have a Time Management Problem. Retrieved October 01, 2017, from

