Primary Research #1

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2018

Time Management Quiz

For my first piece of research I took part in a time management quiz for productivity in paticular. For this I answered a 16 questions about how to conserve and make the best of your time. Once completed the scores are divided into three categories: 59–80 excellent time management, 37–58 is on the right track, and 16–36 is needing some work as seen below.

After the score interpretation the quiz further breaks down your score into the categories of each question. The categories are as follows: Organization, Attitude, Delegation, Information Integration, and Productive Systems. These descriptions are very helpful because they look into each category and explain what you can do better.

These in depth reactions were very helpful to me, to help me look into my weaknesses. My main weakness was Productive Systems scoring a twelve out of twenty. Productive Systems can be defined as the way you and your team work. The quiz suggests that I adopt more techniques such as, Kanban, Kaizen and Job Analysis that all have to do with improving group productivity. Kaizen in particular means change for the better. In other words how can you change how your normally do things in order to be more productive. Job Analysis is as simple as zeroing in on the job at hand while Kanban is, a proven Japanese system for lean manufacturing that is used in the US today.

My biggest strengths were attitude and information integration. Attitude is your approach to work and Information Integration is how quickly you identify information. Both of these strengths are very helpful in improving your time management because having a good attitude increases engagement to the work and good Information Integration increases the speed and quality your project is done in.

Here’s the link for the quiz:

I hope the blog will be useful in the future.

