Primary Research #2

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

How to Self Test your Time Management Skills

During this post I will explain ways to improve your time management and how you can test them throughout your normal day. The link to this guide will be posted at the end of this piece. Improving your time management has a lot to do with your work ethic and repetition. Though this may seem simple it can be hard to do, due to many distractions. These distractions range from technology to having a social life in general.

This article explains how to improve your time management in 5 simple steps. The steps are: 1.Evaluate your goals for improving your time management. 2.Keep detailed records of how you currently spend your time 3. Continue with your measurement process of how you spend your day but not by time. 4. Brainstorm ways to improve efficiency. 5.Repetition.

Steps to improve time management

I tested these steps on myself this past week to see if I could be come more efficient. I found if I wrote out all of my tasks and divided them by level of importance and due date I was much more efficient in completing my tasks in a timely matter. This shows that step 1 is incredibly effective. By marking down how much time I spend on “distractions” during the day I was able to clear out some of that down time for work. By tracking how often I meet my deadlines I am able to see how much down time I need to take off in order to get tasks done without waiting to the last second. This combination of steps 2 and 3 are extremely helpful. Step 4 I found a little tricky because not procrastinating is a very broad topic that should be more specific in order to become more efficient. After thinking for a bit I was able to come up with doing 90 minutes of work followed by a half hour break. I found to be less stressed and got my work done more efficiently by doing this for a week.

Though this is not the only list out there I suggest using steps similar to these to help with your time management.

