Primary Research #3

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

Applying ideas from my previous research

For my last form of primary research I decided to take what I learned from my two previous blogs and apply them to my 3rd form of research. In this blog I will be retaking the quiz from the first blog to monitor my progress as well as a different time management quiz from the same sight. The results of each quiz will be posted below.

Score of the 1st quiz (Retake)

As seen above my score improved from 53 to 60 and I moved in to the final section with the highest scores. This shows that with enough practice and repetition you can improve in almost anything. Obviously I’m still not perfect, but no one ever is, but this steady improvement shows that you are willing to admit that you have flaws and you want to attempt to perfect those flaws. When the quiz broke up my score I had 5 stars in both attitude and information integration and improved from 3 to 4 stars in productive systems. After retaking this quiz I became more well rounded and improved my productivity overall.

Score of the 2nd quiz

By using my steps learned in my previous research I was able to score very high. Like the first quiz, the website breaks down my score into different categories. The categories for this quiz are as follows: Goal Setting, Prioritizing, Managing Interruptions, Procrastination and Scheduling. I had 3 skills that had 4 stars and 2 skills that had 5 stars. This shows that I am very well rounded and manage my time well.

Overall I view my primary research as a major success in improving my time management. If you repeat these good habits there is a very good chance that your time management will prosper and as a result so will your work. I am looking forward to share my secondary research in the near future.

