Secondary Research #2

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018

A professional outlook

In this form of my secondary research I will be looking at the view point of a professional blogger. This will help my research in the future because including the outlook of a professional makes your research more credible and reliable. The blog I chose to examine is Charles Gilkey’s, “Why You Really Don’t Have a Time Management Problem.” Gilkey is a; Author, business strategist & coach, social philosopher, and veteran. He has also been mentioned in TIME magazine proving his worth in the conversation. This offers a different outlook on improving your time management by taking scheduling into more consideration than the actual timing of your daily tasks.

Gilkey’s opinion is very interesting. He doesn’t believe in time management. He mentions that each day has 24 hours and that’s not going to change anytime soon, as well as the idea of prioritizing and scheduling. These are both ideas that I’ve mentioned in the past. Gilkey says, “ People who think they have time management problems really have priority management problems, which means, at root, they have self-management problems.” (Gilkey, 2017) In other words, time management is more or less a form of self management when it comes to taking priority and scheduling tasks in order of importance.

This is a very valid point that questions the difference between self-management and time management. I believe that they share qualities of one another and can be seen as interchangeable in some cases. Self-management is more based on how you do things in general without a deadline. This includes behavior, communication and completing tasks. Time management takes the completing tasks and objectives portion of self-management and adds a time frame. So this shows that time management can be put under the umbrella of self-management. Overall I found Gilkey’s opinion very interesting and persuasive.

Glikey Blog-

