Secondary Research #3

Aaron Goldstein
Time Managment
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018

Lastly the opinion of an author

This being my last post I wanted to have the most credible and professional source finish it off. Brian Tracy wrote “Time Management” in 2014. This book is a perfect guide line for improving your time management. Tracy covers everything from the psychology of time management to managing your phone usage. Tracy shows incredible knowledge of this topic and is a great resource if you are looking to improve your time management.

One section that I found very interesting in Tracy’s book was how to overcome procrastination. Tracy says that everyone procrastinates, it’s a matter of how you procrastinate. You can procrastinate on the smaller tasks or on the bigger ones. Tracy explains this as follows, “The high producer procrastinates on tasks and activities of low or no value. The low producer procrastinates on tasks that have considerable value to the company and to the individuals career. For you to produce at your maximum, you must resolve to engage in “creative procrastination” from this day forward”. (Tracy, 2014) In other words Tracy breaks up what type of worker you are by how you procrastinate, not if you procrastinate or not. Inevitably it is human nature to procrastinate. Due to technology or just your social life, everyone procrastinates. It depends how you let that procrastination effect your work. This is as Tracy says, “creative procrastination”. I see creative procrastination as a way to procrastinate in a efficient way enough to get your work done in a timely manner. This can range from multi-tasking to distracting yourself for short periods of time.

Overall Tracy bring many compelling points throughout his book. His wide variety of chapters shows his extensive knowledge on the topic at hand. This is a book I would recommend to anyone willing to work harder and improve their time and self-management. This concludes my thoughts on improving your time management. I will leave you with a brief summary. Time management can be improved by scheduling, prioritizing and repetition. In the modern era technology can play a major part in scheduling and planning in advance. Though some may view time management as a figment of our imagination or a sub set of a different soft skill.

Thanks for reading.

Aaron Goldstein

Tracy, B. (2014). Time management. Retrieved from

