What Job Seekers Can Expect in 2017

Andy Anderson
Time & Money
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017


A strong jobs report in December was a good sign for Americans seeking jobs as the new year has started. However, there are some new trends emerging in the job-search process. Successful candidates will be the ones who know what these trends are and how to navigate them.

Expect To Respond Quickly

Companies are paying attention to how quickly applicants answer questions and complete required assessments. They’re then using this response time as part of their hiring decision. In addition to the rating references provide, employers are looking closely at how fast references respond. Be prepared for this trend by complying with requests quickly. Have your list of job references ready and make sure your references are available and know you’re on a job hunt.

Expect More Online Interactions

Job seekers can expect to participate in online assessment screenings and job interviews. As with an in-person interview, making a great first impression is important. Be presentable and care for potential interruptions, such as phones ringing, dogs barking, and kids making noise. Ensure the space around you appears neutral and professional.

Expect To Be Sourced

Companies are using every resource they can to hire qualified candidates, including searching professional social media platforms like LinkedIn. Make sure you update your pages and use a current, professional photo. Consider reviewing your personal social media accounts. Delete or make private anything that might make an unfavorable impression with a potential employer.

Expect To Be Treated Well

As unemployment continues to decrease, companies are competing for the most talented candidates. Expect to be treated well and for companies to be open to salary and benefits negotiation. However, don’t be overly demanding or you might have your job offer withdrawn.

It’s a job seeker’s market right now. Keep these trends in mind for a successful job search in 2017. Have any tips to share? Let me know what I’ve missed in the comment section.



Andy Anderson
Time & Money

I write (and draw) about creative marketing, business & finance