Step Six

Morgan Gumhalter
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017

My previous five blog posts gave tips and ways to figure out how to manage your time better. Time management is connected to your life in more ways than you know. Busy schedules sometimes seem impossible to work around, which can make you feel like your life is falling apart. The steps I went through are simple and they can immensely help you in more ways than one.

  1. If you learn to manage your time better, you will be happier than before, considering you will feel less like a crazy person.
  2. Your health will most likely improve because you’ll be focusing on yourself and how managing time wisely makes your life better.
  3. You’ll improve on skills other than time management, like self-discipline and even learning to become more patient.

Tying Together Time Management, Stress, and Patience

By taking simple steps like prioritization, organization, planning, and following through, following through is the hardest part. Once you’re in a routine, it’s hard to break out of and by managing your time better, your life will only improve.

As a college student, I think I’ve done rather well with managing my time; if I know something has to be done, I write it down, pick a designated time to do it, and once that time rolls around, I sit down and get it done. Trust me, it’s much easier than procrastinating the assignment because you know you have to get it done no matter what.

In this last step post, I’m sure you can easily tie together how time management skills help with other skills and help with your inner self as well. Although it sounds like a boring, academic skill, it’s much deeper than that. You’ll be much happier in the long run and you’ll have time (maybe even lots of time) to enjoy doing the things you love, whether that be hanging out with friends, reading a good book, or going outside, you’ll have the necessary free time to do all that.

Once you tell yourself that there are no excuses, you’ll be able to manage yourself and manage your time better than ever before. It’s the excuses that stop people from doing it, but don’t be lazy and really start thinking about what’s important.

