Meeting at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam

Anna Sircova
Time Perspective Network


On June 22, 2017 the mini-symposium Thinking the Present and Future — Psychological Insights on the Role of Subjective Time organized by Marc Wittmann was held at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V., Potsdam, Germany.

Marc has invited me, Maciej Stolarsky (University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland), Oksana Senyk (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine) and Oleksiy Polunin (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine) to present some insights about the irrational behaviour of people in general and the role time perspective plays in sustainability decisions in particular.

We met with the researchers from the Futurisation of Politics group, who work on the following issues: the potential benefits for transformations towards sustainability of a conscious approach to long-term issues in policy design, the representation of future generations in contemporary politics and the circumstances under which their representation might be improved, developing a nuanced and critical understanding of the deployment of time horizons in politics and science. Overall, the project links research perspectives on future challenges and sustainable action across the fields of philosophy, political science, economics and social-psychology.

Program of the meeting included the following talks:

Maciej Stolarski: Looking at time horizons from an aerial view: The role of meta-cognitive processes in balancing one’s own time perspective profile

Oksana Senyk: The effects of socio-economic crisis on youth’s time perspective: case of Ukrainian 17–24- year-olds

Oleksiy Polunin: Mental representation of time flow as modulator of human behavior

Anna Sircova: Individual differences in time perspective and sustainable behavior: Participatory simulation and debate

It was a very inspiring day and of course it was a great pleasure to meet everyone in person! And as a surprising finale of the meeting, me and Maciej were interviewed by Gerhard Richter from Deutschlandfunk (German National Public Radio). Will send the link once our interview will go live!

Originally published at on June 23, 2017.



Anna Sircova
Time Perspective Network

a modern nomad.. researcher.. photographer.. am just curious about things around.. enjoy music, arts, history, conversation, humor, coffee and chocolate..