Time Perspective Network — April updates

Anna Sircova
Time Perspective Network


We have largely finalized the reviews of the submissions — there are a few things still in progress due to the technical issues we have experienced. We hope that by now all who submitted a proposal have received the confirmation. We will really appreciate if the fees are paid by the end of April. Our budget is very modest and we rely on your contributions in order to proceed further.

We are in the process of developing the draft program. We aim to have it by the end of the month. In order to facilitate the process we invite everyone to register on Conferize platform — so that we can add everyone to the schedule: http://www.tpcph2016.com/schedule — you will receive an invitation. We decided to use this platform for a few reasons — it will allow for all the content of the event to stay long after the conference is over, which was not the case with the two previous events unfortunately. It will also ease the communication between the Network members, share the presentations and much more.

We are still looking for strategic partners and sponsors for our event in Copenhagen — please give us a had with this. We believe that we have developed a truly unique concept for our next meeting and we just need some extra financial help in order to fully realize our vision. We are working hard on securing additional funding here in Copenhagen — we have already applied for numerous foundations (public and private), but the first answers will come only in the end of May — June.

Many have asked if can provide financial help or lower the fees — we think we do our best in order to get everyone on board in Copenhagen. However, your active help in getting additional funding in is very much welcomed! Any contacts you might have that you think might be of help — please share them with us. Any crazy ideas you might have — please try them out!

Community updates

Our project for European Social Innovation Competition

Late March and beginning of April a few members of the Network have joined their minds and created a project in response to the European Social Innovation Competition focusing on social innovation for refugees and migrants.

Anna Sircova (DK), Tomas Jurcik (CA), Lening Olivera (USA), Natalie Odisho (USA), Maria Espinola (USA), Nicolas Fieulaine (France), Lika Mikeladze (Russia) and Oksana Senyk (Ukraine) took an active part in developing the project — which we named “ Culture Praxis: Mobile Cultural Consultation and Referral Service”. We will have some updates in early June about it.

Participating in Danish Research Festival

International Time Perspective Network is being part of the Danish Research Festival this year. The organizers say that “the festival programme has about 500 different events in more than 100 cities all over the country and every year more than 65,000 guests visit the festival.” It runs every year and it is organized by Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The main idea of the Festival is to bring science closer to general public.

Anna Sircova will host a general talk about psychology of time, where she plans to talk about the community and the upcoming Conference as well. If you are in Copenhagen or know someone there, whom we should meet, it’s a good occasion to drop by!

April 28th, 19.00–21.00 at Rantzausgade 34

New book edited by Aleksandra Kostic & Derek Chadee

Some of us working hard these days to meet the deadline put for us by Aleksandra — by May 25th we should return our proposed chapters for this book.

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Have I missed out on as exciting project that you are being part of? Don’t hesitate to drop us a line and tell us all about it — we would be happy to share the info with the community!

Originally published at tinyletter.com.



Anna Sircova
Time Perspective Network

a modern nomad.. researcher.. photographer.. am just curious about things around.. enjoy music, arts, history, conversation, humor, coffee and chocolate..