Enhancing Signal Data: A Dask-Powered Approach with DSP for Feature Extraction and Parquet File Integration

Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML
Published in
1 min readDec 25, 2023
# Add new feature column to parquet file

# !pip install -U dask partd pandas pyarrow numpy
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

# Step 2: Load the Existing Parquet File
# Replace 'existing_file.parquet' with your actual file path
df = dd.read_parquet('existing_file.parquet')

# Step 3: Define Signal Processing Function
def process_signal(row):
# Extract relevant columns for signal processing
signal_data = row['your_signal_column']

# Apply signal processing function
peaks, _ = find_peaks(signal_data) # Example signal processing function

# You can have more features based on your requirements
mean_value = np.mean(signal_data)
std_dev = np.std(signal_data)

return peaks, mean_value, std_dev

# Step 4: Apply Signal Processing Function
# The meta argument is essential for Dask to infer the output types of the apply function
df[['peaks', 'mean_value', 'std_dev']] = df.apply(
process_signal, axis=1, meta=('x', 'object')

# Step 5: Write the Updated DataFrame to Parquet
# Replace 'new_file.parquet' with your desired output file path
df.to_parquet('new_file.parquet', engine='pyarrow')

In this example, the process_signal function returns a tuple (peaks, mean_value, std_dev). The apply function is used to apply this function to each row of the DataFrame, and the result is assigned to three new columns ('peaks', 'mean_value', and 'std_dev').

Make sure to adapt the signal processing function (process_signal) based on your actual requirements. Also, adjust column names and types accordingly. This is a simplified example, and you may need to modify it based on the characteristics of your data and the specific signal processing operations you want to perform.



Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML

2x Kaggle Expert, Data Scientist working with Sequence Modelling for Time-Series and NLP, and Bioinformatics Researcher @BENGURIONU buymeacoffee.com/MineshJ1291