Trading: Leveraging LSTM for Time-Series Forecasting: A Deep Learning Approach

Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2024


Time-series forecasting is a critical task in various domains, including finance, sales, and weather prediction. In recent years, deep learning techniques, particularly Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, have gained prominence for their ability to capture temporal dependencies and make accurate predictions. In this blog post, we explore the implementation of an LSTM-based forecasting model using PyTorch, focusing on generating synthetic data, model training, evaluation, and result analysis.

Generating Synthetic Time-Series Data

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our LSTM model, we start by generating synthetic time-series data. Instead of using a sinusoidal wave, we employ a random walk process to simulate realistic fluctuations in the data. This synthetic data serves as a suitable input for training and evaluating our forecasting model.

Building the LSTM Forecasting Model

We define an LSTM network architecture using PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework. Our model consists of an LSTM layer followed by a fully connected linear layer to produce the output. The network is trained using mean squared error loss and optimized using the Adam optimizer. We also leverage GPU…



Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML

2x Kaggle Expert, Data Scientist working with Sequence Modelling for Time-Series and NLP, and Bioinformatics Researcher @BENGURIONU