Trading: Unveiling the Power of Forex Market Tick Correlation Analysis

Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2024


In the dynamic world of forex trading, understanding market movements is crucial for making informed decisions. Traders often explore various tools and techniques to gain insights into market behavior. One such powerful tool is tick correlation analysis. By examining the correlation between different currency pairs at the tick level, traders can uncover valuable patterns and relationships, aiding in more accurate predictions and risk management strategies.

Understanding Tick Correlation

Tick correlation analysis involves studying the relationship between the price movements of different currency pairs at a granular level. It measures how closely the ticks of one currency pair correlate with those of another over a specific period. A correlation coefficient close to +1 indicates a strong positive correlation, -1 indicates a strong negative correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation.

Importance of Tick Correlation Analysis

Diversification: Tick correlation analysis helps traders identify currency pairs that exhibit low correlation, allowing for better diversification of trading portfolios. When pairs are less correlated, their price movements are less likely to move in tandem, reducing overall portfolio risk.

Risk Management: By understanding the correlation between currency pairs, traders can assess the risk associated with their positions more…



Minesh A. Jethva
Time Series ML

2x Kaggle Expert, Data Scientist working with Sequence Modelling for Time-Series and NLP, and Bioinformatics Researcher @BENGURIONU