There is a problem with building desirable products so I started Ignite.

Marco Fabrega III
Time to Ignite
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2020

What’s a desirable product?

A product (service or tool) that delivers high value and long-term benefits. A common misconception is that a product has to be an app.

What’s the problem?

  • Lack of understanding customers
  • Intimidation factor on potentially making mistakes
  • Assumption that getting started costs a lot
  • Ego and bias get in the way

…I could go on and on listing things but the main issue is this:

The solution: Ignite

Stories and tips on Medium and Instagram around how notable people make their decisions.

I believe that you can learn from these stories and apply the lessons to your own goals. It could be building a company, an app, a food truck, a video game, a mixtape, really just anything that you want to put into this world that delivers value.

Who’s it for?

Honestly anyone curious to learn 😄

