Say No to Sectarianism

Time to Rethink …
2 min readMay 21, 2023


Say Yes to Panism

I am gonna say that we, the human species, have come a long way to solve the problems our world faces. I also say the world has 12 major problems that are presented to us as a challenge.

These 12 problems are: First Order Problems — Poverty, Disease, War and Illiteracy; Second Order Problems — Sectarianism, Crime, Extremism, Operession; Third Order Problems — Over Population, Climate Change; Fourth Order Problems — an ever growing big data which needs adequate processing, memory and access solutions, and Tech Overload.

I am going to discuss the problem of Sectarianism in this article.

These are major issues that are so much prone to Sectarian behavior.

  • Nationalism — This 21st century we are living in has made the world so much more connected than ever before. Technology and science have brought the world together more than ever. And so nationalism and patriotism are becoming not only a thing of the past, but also problems that stand in efforts for a globalized cosmopolitan world. The concept of nation is just becoming limited to the border.
  • Ethnicity and Race— Ethnicity and Race give people an ethnic and racial consciousness rather than broad global and Cosmopolitan consciousness.
  • Religion — Fundamantalist and Radicalist…

