We Look Up for Freedom of Movement All Around the World

Time to Rethink …
2 min readMay 30, 2023


Visa procedures should be clear as we learn ways of achieving a more connected world.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

In today’s world, there are a lot of restrictions surrounding travel and movement. Especially when it comes to travel and movement outside of one’s country, these restrictions get much stronger and more complicated. Visa issuing consular offices at embassies and other similar offices have a lot of issues regarding visa issuance and allowing travel.

Visa issuance procedures must be clearly defined and follow similar standards for all nations of the world. A more globalized world is unthinkable if we make travel harder. Visa procedures should be clear as we learn ways of achieving a more connected world.

Travel and movement is a humanright. It should be kept the same at all corners of the world. All embassies and related institutions should have procedures that must ensure this. It should be clear for travelers what is expected of them in order to get a visa. It should also get much easier to get a visa or a travel permit all around the world. Travel must be clear from political issues.

As we envision a globalized world, where borders doesn’t exist, travel and tourism are going to have a huge impact on bringing people together and exchanging cultures and ideas.

Nations should learn to create diversity programs that would facilitate travel and movement. Embassies should serve customers with adequate service and well thought out procedures that are free from abuse. They should revise and review their procedures whether they are succeeding in creating creating one peaceful and connected world.

