A Spanish Love Affair

In Spain

Liam Ireland
Time To Shine On Self-Publishing


Illustration from Pixabay. Design by the author.

The very first time I went to Spain two things hit me the second I exited Malaga airport. The first was an oppressive wall of heat that made breathing difficult. The second was the intensity of the Andalucian light that made sunglasses essential attire, as oppossed to any sort of fashion statement.

In time, I became deeply impressed by Spanish hospitality, most especially in the south of the country, and by the difference between the Castellano Correcto, which I had studied back in the UK, and the way Spanish people really speak. You will find the closest to what is called correct Spanish in Madrid.

As you radiate out from the capital, especially southwards, you will notice accents more akin to a dialect than correct Spanish. It is not unlike learning the Queen’s English (or received pronunciation to give it its correct title) and landing in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Dublin or Glasgow. They are all worlds apart.

Another thing that impressed me was the Spanish cuisine. It is the one very good reason that life expectancy in Spain is among the highest in the world. Spanish food, as well as the lifestyle, is a good deal healthier than just about anywhere except Japan, and absolutely delicious to boot.

It was a country that has welcomed me with open arms and a warm heart. It was a place…

