My Author Newsletter No1

Reporting from the front line of self-publishing

Liam Ireland
Time To Shine On Self-Publishing


Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Today, having read an enlightening piece by a fellow author and following her lead, I decided to do something I should have done long ago and that is to create a newsletter in an attempt to create a newsletter community for the promotion of my new books, all twenty four of them.

In a way, I did actually set out on this path a while ago when I created my own publication called, Time To Shine On Self Publishing. However, due to other more pressing demands in my personal life, along with my desire to get writing a raft of paperback books to be self-published on Amazon (under the pen name of Ryan O’Bryan) I did not keep the site up to date.

The other thing thing I neglected to do on my publishing journey was to follow up with any sort of marketing programme, other than post the publication of my books on my personal Facebook profile.

I have since created a new Facebook profile using my pen name, though again, I failed to follow through with any postings. Likewise, I got partway through creating my own Ryan O’Bryan website, which to date is still in the process of creation. In addition, I also re-signed up with what used to be known as Twitter, now re-named X, and managed to make a few postings there, but nowhere near enough. So it is hightime that I…

