Pushing yourself the extra mile

T.v. Vignesh
Published in
6 min readDec 5, 2019

Over time, I have seen different kinds of people in life.

People who know what their goals are but are too lazy to work on them
People who have not yet figured out what their goals are in life and are lost
People who know what they want to do but are clueless on where to start
People who know what they want, how to get there but go in the wrong direction

And finally, the achievers who know what they want to do, why they want to do it, how they will do it and are willing to work their ass of day in and out to actually get it done!

Doesn’t matter which class you fall under, if you have the will to become better than who you are today, read ahead.

Start Now!

Doesn’t matter what your goal is, who you are or however complex it may be, the best time to start working on your goal is NOW! You can procrastinate all day long, can give all sorts of excuses in life or just be in your dream world. But all you are doing is being a wimp, afraid of facing all the hardships along the way, afraid of working hard, afraid of failure and afraid of all the things which people might say about you.

If you don’t start now, you are never going to start!

If you are not breaking down, you are not pushing harder!

You might be thinking that you are doing enough! You might even convince yourself that this is all that you can/should do. But, let me tell you that you are wrong! If you don’t push till you break, you are not living up to your potential. Only at your lowest point will you get to your turning point in life. Sweat harder, Think harder, Work harder and TRY HARDER!

Compete with yourself day in and out

Don’t be satisfied by comparing yourself to others around you. Rather compete with yourself. Get better than what you were yesterday, every day of your life. Do self assessment on where you lack and tune yourself to make sure you can do better than what you are currently doing. This way, you are never going to stop and you keep pushing day in and out.

Chuck all the distractions! Just focus on what you want to do!

Life is very interesting that you have a lot which can derail you away from your goals. Be it social media, gaming, movies, series, parties, etc. — Anything excessive is bad! I am not an idealist to say that you should just keep focusing on one thing in life. If you do that, then why live a life? You won’t get the amazing experience, adventure and everything life has to offer. But what I am saying here is that, if you pick a task, focus on it till you get it to completion and then switch if you want to. Don’t leave it hanging and get distracted by all the instant gratifications or worldly pleasures.

Set a time to everything! Otherwise, you will never get it done!

You don’t have all the time in life to reach your goal. Time is very very limited for all of us, and that’s why its very important to make proper use of it. Set a time to all the goals you want to achieve with milestones, put in the calendar and make sure that you stick to it. If you don’t you are just going to procrastinante and never going to get it done.

Don’t invite pity parties! You are better than this!

If you are sad or down, just pull yourself back up. Don’t expect others to sympathize on you. You are just expecting unwanted attention. You know that you have a task to accomplish. Just freaking get back up and start over again, if you have to. If your friends and family are around you, good for you! But, don’t expect them to be around you all the time. Don’t expect anyone to motivate you! You are your best motivator!

Face the challenges & barriers! That’s what makes the journey worth it!

Run, but run forwards, towards the challenges and barriers. Not away from them. Life is full of challenges and barriers and that is something which makes the journey very interesting and adventurous. I don’t know how you are going to cross it, I don’t know whose help you are gonna take and I don’t know how big is the challenge. All I know is that, if you really want to get it done, you will get it done however big the challenge might be.

Don’t be afraid of failure! Embrace it!

You might have heard this many times but this is still very relevant — Edison failed more than 1000 times before he invented the light bulb. The one success you get makes the 1000 tries you might make worth it. Don’t be afraid to fail. Rather, learn from each failure and keep pushing till you achieve success.

Mind Control & Discipline

If you need to really do something, you need a very good mind control and discipline. Create healthy habits, discipline yourself to make sure that you follow it every day and most importantly make sure that you schedule it. This helps you train your mind and soon, what you felt like work before would soon become a routine and you will not feel the pain of doing it at all. And most importantly, you would not be able to live without it if done right.

Get a coach or mentor. It might help

People do fall down. People do go the wrong way and get lost. People do get de-motivated. While not necessary, its very good to have a coach or mentor who can help you at all these difficult times. Someone who can hold you at your difficult times, Someone to help guide you, Someone whom you can look up to for inspiration. Sometimes, they might even people who have already done what you are now trying to do now. Hunt for them, become their disciple and make sure you learn as much as you can from them. It might help you avoid making many costly mistakes along the way.

I watch a lot of motivational videos, read a lot of articles around and browse a lot and I get a lot of mentorship from all these places. So, it need not be a person physically present with you. You can find mentorship from anywhere in any form.

Don’t go alone! Take everyone you can with you!

If you have the strong will to succeed and if you work hard, you will. But see if you can help others as well along the way. There might be other people who might just be needing a bit of a push or guidance and they will be able to do wonders in life. After all, what is life and humanity if we don’t help each other?

So, when trying to achieve a goal, don’t just push yourself — Take anyone you can with you and push them along as well.

NEVER STOP! But do reward yourself!

Now, this is a huge mistake which a lot of people make. They get satisfied seeing how much they have done and achieved that they stop! Yes, you might have done a lot of work to reach here, but what’s the point if you stop now?

If you can do all this, why don’t you aim for more? Do you really think this is all your potential can offer? Do you really think that your purpose in life is complete? If not, then WHY STOP?

While it is very important not to stop, it is also very important to reward yourself so that you feel motivated to do even more than what you have done now. Take a small vacation, travel the world, have fun, do whatever but get back in track.

Your life is not over. Not Yet! Not Yet!

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If you follow any specific routine or you are aware of something which I have not mentioned in this article or if you have something to share, do let me know in the comments below. And if you want to read more content like this, follow/subscribe and I will keep more coming in. If there is some specific content you would like us to cover, let me know in the comments.

